Introduction to Facelift Surgery

Introduction to Facelift Surgery

You look in the mirror and perhaps notice that your face is changing shape. You are gradually losing that ovality you once had. At the same time, you observe a heaviness in the lower parts of your face, along the jawline. Even the neck is following this ongoing sagging.

Then you place two fingers near your ears and make the gesture of pulling the skin of your face sideways, as if removing the excess. Now you like yourself again... you will have gained at least ten years. Of course, you are also wondering if all this is possible. You want to go back to being like this...

So, you'll be happy to know that there is a facial rejuvenation surgery that aims exactly for this goal. We call it by a term borrowed from English: in fact, I'm talking about "Facelift" or facelift surgery.

At this point, however, I would like to give you a warning. Completely hiding the signs of aging is, today, impossible. Asking to look 30 when you're 60 or older unfortunately goes beyond achievable goals. This is precisely the purpose of the preliminary visit: to help you understand what can be achieved with facelift surgery in your case, and as precisely as possible, as you will see shortly.

What to Do Before the Consultation for a Facelift

As preparation for our first meeting, I ask you only to analyze your face, trying to understand what you no longer like. What has changed over the years. The task might seem facilitated if you could perhaps compare yourself with photos of when you were younger. All this is aimed at defining your expectations as much as possible.

Facelift: The First Visit

The first part of the visit will be to sit in front of you and, talking to you, try to understand as precisely as possible what your desire is, the improvements you expect from this procedure. I think it's crucial that all of this is in line with what is possible to achieve. Then I will proceed to evaluate the quality of your skin and its excess. The deeper tissues and their consistency. I find it very useful to show you results I have obtained with other patients in the past. Of course, I will spend time explaining how the surgery is performed and possible complications.

How to Prepare for Facelift Surgery

No more hesitations, you will undergo the surgery. At this point, you have decided. You have decided to significantly elevate the quality of your life. Congratulations. There will be some routine preparatory tests to do: I am talking about blood tests and an electrocardiogram. On the morning of the surgery, you will show up at the clinic after taking a shower and fasting. After completing the quick paperwork for acceptance, we will take photos and make markings. Nothing is missing now. Except the surgery...

Facelift Surgery

I start the surgery. You know the various phases well. And so you know that Facelift is an aesthetic surgery that is performed under sedation with local-regional anesthesia or under general anesthesia. Incisions are made in the natural folds of the skin around the ear and in the temporal region. After that, a flap of skin is lifted, allowing access to deeper planes. The repositioning of your facial tissues begins right there, then completes with a redistribution of the skin flap after removing the excess parts. The extent of Facelift varies quite a bit from case to case. In this regard, I would like to mention the Mini Facelift. It is a procedure that simulates a complete cervicofacial lift but with less extension. I usually recommend it in cases of moderate facial aging or in heavy smokers who do not want or cannot quit. For them, the complete Facelift is very dangerous due to the high risk of skin necrosis, a sequel that leaves visible and extensive permanent scars. To stay away from, therefore. You will agree on this... I continue by telling you that the Mini Facelift is "mini" also in terms of extension, entity, and often, the duration of the result. The postoperative recovery is also faster. Everything is faster, in short... Another intermediate form of lift is the neck lift, which is less invasive than a mini lift and a complete cervicofacial lift. Facelift scars will fade in a period of 3-6 months. The operative time ranges from 2 to 3 hours for a complete Facelift to 60-90 minutes for the mini lift. Usually, the placement of 2 drains for 12-24 hours is necessary. Hospitalization can be 24 hours, but it is often not necessary. It is indeed conceivable and certainly feasible to be discharged on the same day.

After Facelift

Once at home, it is recommended to move regularly right away, avoiding intense efforts in the first month. In the first few days, it is advisable to sleep with one or two extra pillows, keeping the upper part of the body more elevated. This position aims to reduce postoperative swelling. You will take a shower (not a bath) starting from 48 hours after the surgery and daily from there. Stitches are removed after 1 and 2 weeks. There will then be additional postoperative checks until the result is fully settled. Scars will be barely visible or not visible at all within a few months of the surgery. After about 2 weeks, the resolution of all bruises usually occurs, or a good part of them, allowing a return to a social context. However, it is necessary to wait 2-4 months before the aesthetic result is optimal. Sports can be resumed intensely after 4 weeks. Routine postoperative checks will be at 1, 2, 4 weeks, 3 and 6-12 months. More frequent if necessary.

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