Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery:
Facial Procedures
Procedures soft tissue repositioning, and contouring of the face
When the sagging of facial and neck tissues becomes visible, the real solution is to reposition them with surgery, giving you back your former appearance.
If your nose is the reason you don't feel quite comfortable... Here's how to achieve that confidence you so desire.
It could be that protruding ears ("bat ears") were a problem for you during your childhood or adolescence. Perhaps the time has come to put an end to it
Tired and dull eyes? This procedure can help restore the brightness to your gaze that you once had.
Find the Right Answer with Dr. Zaccheddu!
How long does post-operative care last, how to prepare for a procedure; watch the doctor's videos, mini Q&A pills dedicated to those who, like you, are choosing cosmetic surgery.
“Sono stata seguita scrupolosamente anche nei giorni successivi all’intervento (ed erano le feste natalizie!!) Sono super soddisfatta del risultato, mi sento più bella e sicura di me.”