Facelift and Mini Facelift

Facial Rejuvenation Surgery

It is the facial surgery procedure aimed at rejuvenating the face through soft tissue lifting

Dr. Renato Zaccheddu, cosmetic and plastic surgeon, during a surgical procedure.

Surgical Time

60-180 min


Little to no visibility


General or local with sedation

Return to Work

10-14 days


4 weeks

Dr. Renato Zaccheddu, cosmetic and plastic surgeon


The best thing to do in preparation for the pre-operative consultation is to try to visualize how your face has changed over the years. How it was before. How it is now. And how you would like it to be tomorrow thanks to facial rejuvenation.

It would greatly facilitate this task to observe photos of yourself from younger years and compare them to what you see in the mirror now.

Dr. Renato Zaccheddu, cosmetic and plastic surgeon, during a surgical procedure.


In the first part of this consultation, I will want to listen to you. And while doing so, I will observe the shape of your face and neck, making an initial assessment of your skin, in view of the facelift procedure.

I will then proceed to determine its elasticity and consistency. And its excess.

The surgery will then be explained to you in detail with reference to your needs.

Dr. Renato Zaccheddu, cosmetic and plastic surgeon, during a surgical procedure.


Undergoing blood tests and an electrocardiogram is what you'll need to take care of at this moment. It is also the time to clarify any last remaining doubts

Dr. Renato Zaccheddu, cosmetic and plastic surgeon, during a surgical procedure.


At this point, you are well aware of how the incisions around the ear will be made and why these will be minimally visible.

You also understand how the repositioning of the deep and superficial tissues will be done.

I will also talk to you about the possibility of a Mini facelift: a modest alternative, but with some specific indications.

Dr. Renato Zaccheddu, cosmetic and plastic surgeon, during a surgical procedure.


The scars are generally very minimally visible.

You will return to a social life setting in 2 weeks, by which time most of the bruising will have resolved.

For sports, I recommend at least 4 weeks of rest.

Speak with Dr. Zaccheddu

Still have doubts? Contact me without hesitation or book an appointment!

Proportional Rhinoplasty Ebook: Your Guide to Your First Procedure with Dr. Zaccheddu

My books

Download my best-selling books on Amazon. A comprehensive guide to better understanding surgery before undergoing the procedure.

Explore the Facelift Manual

Download the before and after brochure of plastic and aesthetic surgery interventions by Dr. Zaccheddu.

Before and After

Check out my free brochure with all the before and after results of the surgery.

Dr Renato Zaccheddu - Plastic and Cosmetic surgeon

“I consider myself professionally satisfied only when those who turn to me are satisfied. All my energies are focused towards this goal, from our very first meeting.”

Dott. Renato Zaccheddu

Plastic Surgery Parma

Parma +39 3404508274

Studio Medico Keiros

Plastic Surgery London

London +44 7979838753

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