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Notice pursuant to Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 679/2016

Pursuant to Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 679/2016 (General Data Protection Regulation or GDPR), we inform you that your personal data will be processed by Excellence Surgery S.r.l., Data Controller, solely for the purpose of responding to your request to be contacted. Any subsequent provision of services by the data controller company will involve a specific and separate information notice concerning the processing of personal and special data (if applicable). Additionally, by checking the appropriate box, you will subscribe to the newsletter service. If your request does not result in the provision of services by the Data Controller, your data will be kept for a maximum period of twelve months. Any subscription to the newsletter will involve the use and retention of your personal data - for the sole specific purpose - until you revoke your request to receive the newsletter (unless there are different legal obligations) or a different decision by the Data Controller, who may interrupt or modify the newsletter service at any time, without prior notice. The legal basis for the processing is the performance of pre-contractual measures (Article 6, paragraph 1, letter b) of the GDPR) and, regarding the newsletter, the consent of the data subject (Article 6, paragraph 1, letter a) of the GDPR). And, as far as the newsletter is concerned, the consent of the data subject (Article 6, paragraph 1, letter a) of the GDPR). The provision of your personal data is voluntary, however, failure to provide the data marked with * will prevent us from effectively responding to your request. If you decide to provide us with your data, please note that they will be processed by personnel authorized by the Data Controller, also through outsourcers and sub-outsourcers. Your data will not be disclosed under any circumstances, but we inform you that they may be communicated to third parties who perform, on behalf of the Data Controller, specific services aimed at ensuring the proper pursuit of the aforementioned purposes

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Customer Reviews

"The doctor immediately conveyed confidence and tranquility to me, so I decided to entrust myself to him for a Mastoplasty. I couldn't have made a better choice, and I'm extremely happy with the result obtained."

Emily Traversi

"I was meticulously followed even in the days following the surgery (and it was during the Christmas holidays!!). I am super satisfied with the result; I feel more beautiful and confident in myself."

Daniela Cianciulli

"In December, I had a Rhinoseptoplasty. Dr. Zaccheddu was an excellent surgeon; he did a perfect job. I'm extremely happy with the result, and now I can show my profile without hiding!"

Rosalba Longo

"Renato immediately put me at ease, explaining everything to me calmly, giving me courage and strength that I never thought I had. I had the surgery a month ago, and I would recommend it to everyone."

Rebecca Bonafe

"The doctor understood me immediately! I highly recommend trusting him for cosmetic surgery. Thanks also to his assistant who supported me throughout the entire process, both pre and post-operation."

Erica Zola

"I spent a lot of time searching for the 'right' specialist to entrust with my rhinoplasty. When I met Dr. Zaccheddu, I immediately knew he was the right person!"

Veronica De iuliis

Plastic Surgery Parma

Parma +39 3404508274

Studio Medico Keiros

Plastic Surgery London

London +44 7979838753

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