Cosmetic nose surgery: how does Rhinoplasty work

Cosmetic nose surgery: how does Rhinoplasty work

When we talk about the most sought-after surgery for both men and women, we are referring to Rhinoplasty – the aesthetic nose procedure. This small facial feature holds a prominent position, being central, exposed, and significantly influential in determining one's facial appearance. This is why individuals who are dissatisfied with what Mother Nature has provided often feel the need to make a change, more so than with other parts of the body.

In this article, I'd like to enlighten you on how Rhinoplasty works and its variations.

Contemporary Nasal Aesthetic Surgery

Under the term Rhinoplasty, there are two types of nasal aesthetic procedures: one solely for aesthetics and the other addressing functional aspects.

  • Rhinoplasty

  • Septorhinoplasty (Functional Rhinoplasty)

In reality, if the goal is to enhance the nose, there is a third non-surgical solution: Rhinofiller.

Rhinoplasty: When It's Aesthetic Discontent

Rhinoplasty is the aesthetic nose procedure designed to achieve a purely visual improvement. It can involve the tip, dorsum, or the entire nose.

Tip Rhinoplasty

At times, what one dislikes is not the entire nose but only a specific part. For many years, the ideal beauty standard for the female nose was the so-called "French tip," meaning a tip that is noticeably upturned. However, beauty standards have evolved. Now, the emphasis is on overall harmony rather than a specific shape.

  • The focus here is on the tip, composed solely of cartilage.

  • Without bones to correct, bruising is almost nonexistent.

  • This surgery can also become functional. The nostrils, representing the external respiratory valve, regulate the nasal airflow.

  • The cartilages being addressed are called "alar" and can be resized or corrected in shape.

  • Reshaping is done with internal stitches.

  • Volume and support are added using cartilage grafts, sometimes harvested from other body areas, like the earlobe.

  • Volume reduction is also possible.

The final result is visible no sooner than a year after surgery. Yet, a noticeable 60-70% of the change is perceived immediately. The thickness of the skin significantly influences the result and the time it takes to settle. Thicker skin requires more time for the result to stabilize, with a slightly lesser final definition.

Dorsal Rhinoplasty

In this case, the focus is on a specific part of the nose – the dorsum.

  • The dorsum is characterized by both bone and cartilage.

  • The surgery often involves breaking the nasal bones, resulting in more frequent bruising under the eyes.

  • The initial post-operative period (two weeks) is characterized by increased visibility of the surgery due to bruising.

  • Dorsal correction could also lead to improved functionality, not just aesthetics. This is usually achieved using cartilage grafts to expand the internal nasal passage.

  • The skin covering the dorsum is thinner than that covering the tip, resulting in a slightly quicker settling.

Complete Rhinoplasty

This encompasses both the tip and dorsum procedures performed simultaneously.

  • Both the lower (cartilaginous) and upper (bony) parts are modified, with the sole purpose of aesthetic improvement.

  • In the vast majority of cases, the procedure involves reducing the nose's dimensions. However, augmentation is also possible. The ultimate goal remains proportional reshaping to harmonize all parts with each other and the face in general.

Septorhinoplasty: More Beautiful and More Functional

When we talk about a nose procedure going beyond mere aesthetic enhancement, we refer to Septorhinoplasty. This surgery also aims to address suboptimal breathing.

However, if the primary issue is purely functional and not aesthetic, the procedure is handed over to an otolaryngologist.

Here, the surgery can address the entire external configuration of the nasal pyramid: dorsum and tip. However, more commonly, it focuses on improving the nose internally to ensure better and increased airflow.

The correction of the septum and/or reduction of turbinates are usually the performed corrections.

Defects in nasal function can be present from birth or result from trauma.

How Does Rhinoplasty Work?

Rhinoplasty is not only an aesthetic procedure but can also correct a functional breathing issue. There are two possible approaches.

The best technique to address your concern will be evaluated by the surgeon during the preoperative visit. Your task is to consider what you dislike about your nose now and how you envision it to be.

When you are satisfied with the surgeon and the information obtained, all that remains is to proceed. I assure you, without specific fears. The notions that still describe Rhinoplasty as a painful and difficult-to-heal surgery are tied to practices that have now been improved, such as the placement of nasal packing.

I invite you to contact me for a comprehensive and clarifying initial consultation.

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