The Cosmetic Surgery Blog by Dr. Zaccheddu

All the articles from Dr. Zaccheddu's Cosmetic Surgery Blog: tips, opinions, videos, Q&A on the world of beauty and wellness!
The Cosmetic Surgery Blog by Dr. Zaccheddu
What is Facelift? A Guide to Understand It

What is Facelift? A Guide to Understand It


What is Facelift? In Which Areas Can It Be Done? Is it a Procedure for Everyone? All the Answers in this Guide Created for My Patients.

Removing the Nasal Hump: What You Need to Know

Removing the Nasal Hump: What You Need to Know


How to remove the nasal hump? There are various possible treatments to reduce it, and finally, there is Rhinoplasty, which I recommend in the following cases...

 Plastic surgery face 3 interventions

Plastic surgery face 3 interventions


More and more people are turning to Plastic Surgery for the Face? Here are the 3 most requested interventions. Let's discover them together

Cosmetic nose surgery: how does Rhinoplasty work

Cosmetic nose surgery: how does Rhinoplasty work


Rhinoplasty is often talked about, but how does this nose surgery really work? Is it suitable for everyone? How can you understand the results you'll achieve?

4 Cosmetic Surgery Procedures After 60 Years

4 Cosmetic Surgery Procedures After 60 Years


The 4 Most Requested Cosmetic Surgery Procedures After 60, for Face and Body. Let's Discover Them Together in My Latest Article!

Natural-looking Nose Jobs: Secrets of Well-executed Rhinoplasty

Natural-looking Nose Jobs: Secrets of Well-executed Rhinoplasty


A Natural-looking Nose Job is always requested by patients seeking Rhinoplasty. But what's the secret to achieving a natural result?

Breast Lift or Breast Augmentation? Tips for the Right Choice

Breast Lift or Breast Augmentation? Tips for the Right Choice


Breast Lift or Breast Augmentation, That is the Question! The Differences and All My Tips to Understand Which Procedure is Right for You.

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 Anti-Aging Face Treatments: What are the Most Common Ones?

Anti-Aging Face Treatments: What are the Most Common Ones?

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Post-Bariatric Abdominoplasty: What Does It Involve?

Post-Bariatric Abdominoplasty: What Does It Involve?

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Abdominoplasty After Pregnancy: The Procedure After Childbirth

Abdominoplasty After Pregnancy: The Procedure After Childbirth

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